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Creating Your First Naptha User Account

What is a Naptha User Account?

Your Naptha account is your identity on the Naptha platform. It allows you to:

  • Deploy and manage agents, tools, environments and other modules on the Naptha Hub
  • Access and interact with the Naptha Hub's features and services

This guide will walk you through the process of creating your first Naptha user account step by step.


Before we begin, ensure you have:

  • Python 3.8 or higher installed
  • Poetry package manager (pipx install poetry)
  • Basic familiarity with command line tools
  • Git installed

1. Getting Started

Install the SDK

First, clone and install the Naptha SDK:

git clone
cd naptha-sdk
poetry install
poetry shell
cp .env.example .env #set up your environment variables

2. Creating Your Account

You have two methods to choose from:

The simplest way to create a new account is through the interactive CLI. Run the following command:

naptha signup

This will:

  • Guide you through username/password creation
  • Generate your cryptographic public/private keypair
  • Automatically save your credentials to the .env file

Method 2: Pre-configured Setup

If you prefer setting credentials beforehand:

  1. Edit your .env file with your desired credentials:

    # .env file
    PRIVATE_KEY=your_private_key # Optional - will be generated if not provided
  2. Run signup:

    naptha signup

3. Verifying Your Setup

Check Available Nodes

naptha nodes

Try a Sample Agent

naptha run agent:hello_world_agent -p "firstname=sam surname=altman"

Verify Programmatically

You can also verify the new credentials programmatically via the client SDK:

from naptha_sdk.client.naptha import Naptha

async def verify_credentials():
async with Naptha() as naptha:
await naptha.hub.signin(os.getenv("HUB_USERNAME"), os.getenv("HUB_PASSWORD"))
return True
except Exception as e:
print(f"Credential verification failed: {str(e)}")
return False

4. Best Practices


  • Protect Your Private Key

    • Never share your private key
    • Back up your .env file
    • Use environment variables in production
  • Password Guidelines

    • Use strong passwords (12+ characters)
    • Mix uppercase, lowercase, numbers, symbols
    • Avoid common words or patterns


  • Keep the SDK updated by fetching the latest version from GitHub or PyPI
  • Review registered agents periodically


Connection Issues

If you're having trouble connecting:

  1. Check your node URL in .env:

    # Local node

    # Hosted node
  2. Verify credentials:

    cat .env
Authentication Issues

If you're having trouble authenticating:

  1. Ensure correct credentials in .env

  2. Try creating a new account with a different username and password and re-run the signup command:

    naptha signup

Next Steps

Once your account is set up, you can:

  1. Explore available agents:
naptha agents
  1. Create your own agent:
  • Clone the base template
  • Follow the template instructions for prototyping, testing and deploying your agent

You can also follow our Quick Guide to Creating and Publishing Your First Agent Module on Naptha to create your own agent.

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