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Install Naptha SDK


  1. Install Poetry
  2. Install Naptha SDK
  3. Setup dev environment


1. Install Poetry with pipx


Naptha uses a Python dependency management tool called Poetry. Learn more about Poetry in their official docs.

Poetry should always be installed in a dedicated virtual environment to isolate it from the rest of your system.

Run this command:
pipx install poetry

Verify the installation:

poetry --version

2. Install Naptha SDK

The best place to start is our Naptha SDK code base on GitHub. Follow these steps to install it from source:

Clone the Repository

git clone && cd naptha-sdk

Install Dependencies

poetry install  # This may take a few minutes

Activate Environment

source .venv/bin/activate

3. Setup Dev Environment

Next, create a copy of the .env file:

cp .env.example .env

4. Sign Up and Configure Environment Variables

You can create an account on the Naptha Hub (and generate your PRIVATE_KEY) using the Naptha CLI:

naptha signup

This command will prompt you to create an account by entering a username and password. It also automatically generates a private key and stores it in your .env file.

Configure NODE_URL

Choose whether you want to interact with a local or hosted Naptha node.

Local Node

For a local node, set NODE_URL=http://localhost:7001 in the .env file.

Hosted Node

To use a hosted node, set NODE_URL= or NODE_URL= in the .env file.

All Systems Go!

You can check your installation by running:


Common issues and solutions
  1. Poetry installation fails

    python -m pip install --user pipx
    python -m pipx ensurepath
  2. Dependencies conflict

    poetry env remove python
    poetry install --no-cache
    poetry env use python3.11
  3. Node connection issues

    • Verify your internet connection
    • Check if the selected node is operational
    • Ensure your .env file is properly configured

Next Steps