Naptha CLI Usage
Here's a list of commands you can use with the Naptha CLI.
Basic Usage
naptha [command] [options]
Available Commands
Command | Description |
signup | Sign up a new user |
agents | List available agents |
tools | List available tools |
kbs | List available knowledge bases |
memories | List available memoriy modules |
personas | List available personas |
orchestrators | List available orchestrators |
environments | List available environments |
nodes | List available nodes |
create | Create a new module deployment |
run | Execute run command |
inference | Run model inference |
storage | Interact with storage |
publish | Publish agents |
Global Options
-h, --help Show help message and exit
User Management
Create a private key (for interacting with Naptha Nodes) and a username and password (for interacting with the Naptha Hub):
naptha signup # Create new account and generate a private key
This command will prompt you to create an account by entering a username and password. It also automatically generates a private key and stores it in your .env file.
will be automatically stored in your .env file, and the PRIVATE_KEY
in a .pem file.
Command to interact with the Naptha Hub
The HUB_URL should be set in your .env file e.g. HUB_URL=wss://
, along with your HUB_USERNAME
Explore available agents that you can run on a node:
naptha agents
For each agent, you will see a url where you can check out the code.
Register an agent:
naptha agents agent_name -p "description='about' parameters='{tool_name: str, tool_input_data: str}' module_url='<agent_name>'"
Update an agent:
naptha agents agent_name -u "module_version='v0.2'"
Delete an agent:
naptha agents -d agent_name
Explore available tools that you can use with agents:
naptha tools
For each tool, you will see a url where you can check out the code.
Register a New Tool
naptha tools tool_name -p "description='Tool description' parameters='{tool_input_1: str, tool_input_2: str}' module_url='ipfs://QmNer9SRKmJPv4Ae3vdVYo6eFjPcyJ8uZ2rRSYd3koT6jg'"
Update a Tool
naptha tools tool_name -u "module_version='v0.2'"
Delete a Tool
naptha tools -d tool_name
Knowledge Bases
You can explore available knowledge bases that you can use with agents:
naptha kbs
Register a New Knowledge Base Module on the Hub
naptha kbs kb_name -p "description='Knowledge Base description' parameters='{input_parameter_1: str, input_parameter_2: int}' module_url='ipfs://QmNer9SRKmJPv4Ae3vdVYo6eFjPcyJ8uZ2rRSYd3koT6jg'"
Update a Knowledge Base Module
naptha kbs kb_name -u "module_version='v0.2'"
Delete a Knowledge Base Module
naptha kbs -d kb_name
You can explore available memories that you can use with agents:
naptha memories
For each memory, you will see a url where you can check out the code.
Register a New Memory Module
naptha memories memory_name -p "description='Memory description' parameters='{input_parameter_1: str, input_parameter_2: int}' module_url='ipfs://folder_id'"
Update a Memory Module
naptha memories memory_name -u "module_version='v0.2'"
Delete a Memory Module
naptha memories -d memory_name
You can explore available personas that you can use with agents:
naptha personas # list all persona modules
For each persona, you will see a url where you can check out the data.
Register a New Persona
naptha personas persona_name -p "description='Persona description' module_url='ipfs://folder_id'"
Update a Persona
naptha personas persona_name -u "module_version='v0.2'"
Delete a Persona
naptha personas -d persona_name
You can explore available agent orchestrators that you can run on a network of nodes:
naptha orchestrators
For each orchestrator, you will see a url where you can check out the code.
Register a New Agent Orchestrator
naptha orchestrators orchestrator_name -p "description='Orchestrator description' parameters='{input_parameter_1: str, input_parameter_2: int}' module_url='ipfs://folder_id'"
Update an Agent Orchestrator
naptha orchestrators orchestrator_name -u "module_version='v0.2'"
Delete an Agent Orchestrator
naptha orchestrators -d orchestrator_name
You can explore available environments that you can use with environments:
naptha environments # list all environment modules
Register a New Environment Module
naptha environments environment_name -p "description='Environment description' parameters='{input_parameter_1: str, input_parameter_2: int}' module_url='ipfs://folder_id'"
Update an Environment Module
naptha environments environment_name -u "module_version='v0.2'"
Delete an Environment Module
naptha environments -d environment_name
See a list of available nodes on the network:
naptha nodes
Make note of a Node ID for running a workflow below.
Commands to interact with Naptha Nodes
The NODE_URL should be set in your .env file e.g. NODE_URL=
or NODE_URL=http://localhost:7001
Create a module deployment on a Naptha Node
Create allows you to download and install the modules for a moudle without running first.
For simple modules, you can create a new module deployment on a node:
# usage: naptha create <module_type>:<module_name>
naptha create <module_type>:<module_name>
For example, to create a new knowledge base on a node:
naptha create kb:wikipedia_kb
For more complex modules like orchestrators, you can download and install the modules:
# usage: naptha create <module_type>:<module_name> --agent_modules "<agent_modules>" --worker_node_urls "<worker_node_urls>" --environment_modules "<environment_modules>" --environment_node_urls "<environment_node_urls>"
naptha create orchestrator:multiagent_chat --agent_modules "agent:simple_chat_agent,agent:simple_chat_agent" --worker_node_urls "," --environment_modules "environment:groupchat_environment" --environment_node_urls ""
You can modify the max_rounds
of the orchestrator run from the default value of 10 by passing in a config object in the command line: --config '{"max_rounds": 5}'
Run a module on a Naptha Node
Run allows you to run a module on a node.
Run an Agent Module
Now you've found a node and a agent you'd like to run, so let's run it locally! You can use the commandline tool to connect with the node and run the workflow.
# usage: naptha run <agent_name> <agent args>
naptha run agent:hello_world_agent -p "firstname=sam surname=altman"
Try an agent that uses the local LLM running on your node:
naptha run agent:simple_chat_agent -p "tool_name='chat' tool_input_data='what is an ai agent?'"
Run a Tool Module
Now you've found a node and a tool you'd like to run, so let's run it locally! You can use the commandline tool to connect with the node and run the workflow.
# usage: naptha run <tool_name> -p "<tool args>"
naptha run tool:generate_image_tool -p "tool_name='generate_image_tool' tool_input_data='A beautiful image of a cat'"
Run an Agent that interacts with a Tool Module
# usage: naptha run <agent_name> -p "<agent args>" --tool_nodes "<tool_node_ips>"
naptha run agent:generate_image_agent -p "tool_name='generate_image_tool' prompt='A beautiful image of a cat'" --tool_nodes ""
Run a Knowledge Base Module
Initialize the content in the Knowledge Base:
naptha run kb:wikipedia_kb -p "func_name='init'"
Query the Knowledge Base Module:
naptha run kb:wikipedia_kb -p '{
"func_name": "run_query",
"func_input_data": {
"query": "Elon Musk"
Run an Agent that interacts with a Knowledge Base
# usage: naptha run <agent_name> -p "<agent args>" --kb_nodes "<kb_node_ips>"
naptha run agent:wikipedia_agent -p "func_name='run_query' query='Elon Musk' question='Who is Elon Musk?'" --kb_nodes ""
Run a Memory Module
naptha run memory:cognitive_memory -p "func_name='init'"
Run an Agent Orchestrator Module
You can run the orchestrator module on hosted nodes using:
naptha run orchestrator:multiagent_chat -p "prompt='i would like to count up to ten, one number at a time. ill start. one.'" --worker_node_urls "," --environment_node_urls ""
Or on local nodes:
naptha run orchestrator:multiagent_chat -p "prompt='i would like to count up to ten, one number at a time. ill start. one.'" --worker_node_urls "localhost,localhost" --environment_node_urls "localhost"
Run an Environment Module
naptha run environment:groupchat_environment -p "function_name='get_global_state'"
The NODE_URL should be set in your .env file e.g. NODE_URL=
or NODE_URL=http://localhost:7001
You can run inference on a node using the inference command:
naptha inference "How can we create scaling laws for multi-agent systems?" -m "hermes3:8b"
Storage Operations
The NODE_URL should be set in your .env file e.g. NODE_URL=
or NODE_URL=http://localhost:7001
You can interact with storage quickly via the CLI using the naptha storage
series of commands, followed by the storage provider type (e.g. db
, ipfs
For more comprehensive examples on quickly interacting with storage via the CLI, see the database, filesystem, and IPFS storage sections.
Database Storage
You can create a table in the database using:
naptha storage db create test_embeddings -d '{
"schema": {
"id": {"type": "TEXT", "primary_key": true},
"text": {"type": "TEXT", "required": true},
"embedding": {"type": "vector", "dimension": 3}
You can create a row in the database using:
naptha storage db create test_embeddings -d '{
"data": {
"id": "1",
"text": "This is a test document",
"embedding": [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
You can read from the database using:
naptha storage db read test_embeddings -o '{
"columns": ["text", "id"]
File System Storage
You can write to file storage using:
naptha storage fs create test_upload -f
You can read from file storage using:
naptha storage fs read <agent_run_id>
Interact with IPFS through Node:
You can write to IPFS using:
naptha storage ipfs create test -f
You can read from IPFS using:
naptha storage ipfs read <IPFS_HASH>
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