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Storage Client

Naptha Modules often need to store and retrieve data locally on their Naptha Nodes. This can be done via the Naptha Storage API, which provides a secure way to store and manage data locally and privately.

Core Features

  • Consistent Interface: All storage types share the same basic operations (create, read, update, delete, list, search)
  • Options Pattern: The options parameter allows for storage-specific features without breaking the common interface
  • Extensible: Easy to add new storage providers by implementing the StorageProvider interface

Available Storage Types

Naptha Nodes support several types of storage, including filesystem storage, database storage, and IPFS storage.

  • Database Storage: For structured data and efficient queries
  • File System Storage: For local file management and quick access
  • IPFS Storage: For decentralized and persistent data storage

When building a module, you can import the StorageProvider class from the Naptha SDK to interact with storage providers. For example, to create a table in a database storage provider, you can use the following code:

Quick Storage via the CLI

You can interact with storage quickly via the CLI using the naptha storage series of commands, followed by the storage provider type (e.g. db fs, ipfs). For example, you can download the file from the node using:

naptha storage fs read <agent_run_id>

or using the ipfs storage client:

naptha storage ipfs create -d files/<filename>.jpg

For more details on quickly interacting with storage via the CLI, see the database, filesystem, and IPFS storage sections.

Accessing Storage in Modules via the Naptha SDK

Configuring Storage

Storage is configured using the StorageConfig class:

class StorageConfig(BaseModel):
storage_type: StorageType
path: str
storage_schema: Dict[str, Any]
options: Dict[str, Any] = Field(default_factory=dict)

Or in the storage_config field of config in the deployment.json file (in the configs folder of the module):

"config": {
"storage_config": {
"storage_type": "db",
"path": "wikipedia_kb",
"options": {
"query_col": "title",
"answer_col": "text"
"storage_schema": {
"id": {"type": "INTEGER", "primary_key": true},
"url": {"type": "TEXT"},
"title": {"type": "TEXT"},
"text": {"type": "TEXT"}

Interacting with Storage

Naptha Modules can import the StorageProvider class from the module to interact with storage providers.

from naptha_sdk.schemas import NodeConfigUser
from import StorageClient
from import CreateStorageRequest

node = NodeConfigUser(ip="", http_port=None, server_type="https")
storage_client = StorageClient(node)

create_table_request = CreateStorageRequest(

# Create a table
create_table_result = await storage_client.execute(create_table_request)


For more details on interacting with storage via the SDK, see the database, filesystem, and IPFS storage sections.

Use the API directly

You can also write your own code to interact with the storage API. See the FastAPI docs for the storage API.

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