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Orchestrator Modules

In this section, we'll cover:

🎮 What is an Orchestrator Module?

Agent orchestrators are modules that manage the orchestration of agents, tools, environments, and personas, as defined through interaction patterns and workflows. Examples of agent orchestrators include:

  • Orchestration of numerous social agents e.g. agents that take part in debate or social simulations
  • Orchestration of numerous task-solving agents e.g. agents that work together to solve a problem or write code (like BabyAGI or MetaGPT)
  • Orchestration of numerous market agents e.g. agents that work together to make predictions

The code for the orchestration logic is usually contained in the file of the orchestrator module (for a detailed breakdown of the structure of an orchestrator module, see the overview page).

📝 Orchestrator Configurations

As well as the core orchestration logic, Orchestrator Modules are configured by specifying:

  • An LLM Configuration - The language model that the orchestrator uses to generate responses
  • Max Rounds - The maximum number of rounds of interaction between agents

The configuration of an orchestrator module can be specified using the OrchestratorConfig class:

#naptha-sdk OrchestratorConfig
class OrchestratorConfig(BaseModel):
config_name: Optional[str] = "orchestrator_config"
llm_config: Optional[LLMConfig] = None
max_rounds: Optional[int] = 5

🐋 Orchestrator Deployments

Orchestrator deployments allow you to specify other modules that the orchestrator module interacts with:

  • Agents - Agents that the orchestrator module interacts with
  • Environments - Environments that the orchestrator module interacts with
  • Knowledge Bases - Knowledge bases that the orchestrator module interacts with
  • Memory - Contextual storage enabling agents to maintain state and learn from interactions

They also allow you to specify the node that the orchestrator will run on. The configuration of an orchestrator deployment can be specified using the OrchestratorDeployment class:

class OrchestratorDeployment(BaseModel):
node: Union[NodeConfig, NodeConfigUser, Dict]
name: Optional[str] = None
module: Optional[Dict] = None
config: Optional[OrchestratorConfig] = None
agent_deployments: Optional[List[AgentDeployment]] = None
environment_deployments: Optional[List[EnvironmentDeployment]] = None
kb_deployments: Optional[List[KBDeployment]] = None
memory_deployments: Optional[List[MemoryDeployment]] = None

🚀 Running an Orchestrator Module


Install the Naptha SDK using the instructions here.


The Multiagent Chat Orchestrator is an example of an Orchestrator module that interacts with simple chat Agent modules and a groupchat Knowledge Base module. The orchestrator, agents and knowledge base can all run on different nodes. You can run the orchestrator module on hosted nodes using:

The names of the Agent and KB subdeployments that the orchestrator uses are specified in the configs/deployment.json, and the full details of those subdeployments are loaded from the deployments with the same name in the configs/agent_deployments.json and configs/kb_deployments.json files.

# OrchestratorDeployment in configs/deployment.json file 
"node": {"name": ""},
"module": {"name": "multiagent_chat"},
"config": ...,
"agent_deployments": [
{"name": "agent_deployment_1"},
{"name": "agent_deployment_2"}
"kb_deployments": [{"name": "groupchat_kb_deployment_1"}]

# AgentDeployments in configs/agent_deployments.json file
"name": "agent_deployment_1",
"module": {"name": "simple_chat_agent"},
"node": {"ip": ""},
"config": {
"config_name": "agent_config_1",
"llm_config": {"config_name": "model_1"},
"system_prompt": ...
"name": "agent_deployment_2",
"module": {"name": "simple_chat_agent"},
"node": {"ip": ""},
"config": {
"config_name": "agent_config_2",
"llm_config": {"config_name": "model_2"},
"system_prompt": ...

# KBDeployment in configs/kb_deployments.json file
"name": "groupchat_kb_deployment_1",
"module": {"name": "groupchat_kb"},
"node": {"ip": ""},
"config": {
"storage_config": ...

There is a MultiAgentChat class in the file, which imports the Agent and KnowledgeBase classes and calls the and methods:

from naptha_sdk.modules.agent import Agent
from naptha_sdk.modules.kb import KnowledgeBase
from naptha_sdk.schemas import OrchestratorRunInput, OrchestratorDeployment, KBRunInput, AgentRunInput
from naptha_sdk.user import sign_consumer_id

class MultiAgentChat:
async def create(self, deployment: OrchestratorDeployment, *args, **kwargs):
self.deployment = deployment
self.agent_deployments = self.deployment.agent_deployments
self.agents = [
agent_deployments = [await agent.create(deployment=self.agent_deployments[i], *args, **kwargs) for i, agent in enumerate(self.agents)]
self.groupchat_kb = KnowledgeBase()
kb_deployment = await self.groupchat_kb.create(deployment=self.deployment.kb_deployments[0], *args, **kwargs)

async def run(self, module_run: OrchestratorRunInput, *args, **kwargs):
for round_num in range(self.orchestrator_deployment.config.max_rounds):
for agent_num, agent in enumerate(self.agents):
agent_run_input = AgentRunInput(
inputs={"tool_name": "chat", "tool_input_data": messages},
signature=sign_consumer_id(module_run.consumer_id, os.getenv("PRIVATE_KEY_FULL_PATH"))
response = await

Under the hood, makes a call to the worker node via API, which executes the agent module. This makes it possible for agents built using different agent frameworks to interoperate.

You can deploy the modules for an orchestrator (without running) using:

naptha create orchestrator:multiagent_chat --agent_modules "agent:simple_chat_agent,agent:simple_chat_agent" --agent_nodes "," --kb_modules "kb:groupchat_kb" --kb_nodes ""

You can run the orchestrator module using (note that using the --agent_nodes and --kb_nodes flags overrides the values in the deployment.json file instead):

You can run the orchestrator module on hosted nodes using:

naptha run orchestrator:multiagent_chat -p "prompt='i would like to count up to ten, one number at a time. ill start. one.'" --agent_nodes "," --kb_nodes ""

You can modify the max_rounds of the orchestrator run from the default value of 10 by passing in a config object in the command line: --config '{"max_rounds": 5}'

🤖 Running an Orchestrator from Python

It may be useful to run an orchestrator module from Python e.g. an orchestrator module that calls another orchestrator module. The following example shows how to do this:

from naptha_sdk.modules.orchestrator import Orchestrator
from naptha_sdk.client.naptha import Naptha
from naptha_sdk.schemas import AgentDeployment, KBDeployment, OrchestratorRunInput, OrchestratorDeployment, NodeConfig
from naptha_sdk.user import sign_consumer_id

naptha = Naptha()
node = NodeConfig(...)

agent_deployments = [
AgentDeployment(module={"name": "simple_chat_agent"}, node=node),
AgentDeployment(module={"name": "simple_chat_agent"}, node=node),
kb_deployment = KBDeployment(module={"name": "groupchat_kb"}, node=node)

orchestrator_deployment = OrchestratorDeployment(
module={"name": "multiagent_chat"},

input_params = {"prompt": "lets count up one number at a time. ill start. one."}
orchestrator_run_input = OrchestratorRunInput(,
signature=sign_consumer_id(, os.getenv("PRIVATE_KEY_FULL_PATH"))

orchestrator = Orchestrator()
response = await


Check out these sample agent orchestrator modules:

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