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Managing your Naptha Node with systemd/launchd

The Naptha Node can be run using systemd/launchd services. This is closer to metal than using docker compose, and is useful if you want to run the node on a server.

Configuring your Naptha Node

  • LAUNCH_DOCKER: Set to False if you want to launch the node using systemd/launchd.
  • LLM_BACKEND: Should be set to "ollama" if using systemd/launchd. If you want to use VLLM, you should launch using docker compose by following the instructions in the Docker guide.
  • OLLAMA_MODELS: Set this to the models you want to use, separated by commas. By default, the node will use the Nous Research Hermes 3 model.

For advanced configuration settings, see the Advanced Configuration guide.

Launching your Naptha Node

Then run the node:


The first time you launch, you will be prompted about whether (i) to generate a private key, and (ii) to input a Stability API key, which is needed if you would like to run the image agent examples. If you choose not to, you can always edit the .env file manually later.

After a few minutes you should see a table of the status of the services, something like this:

[Summary] ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
[Summary] ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
[Summary] PostgreSQL ✅
[Summary] Hub DB ✅
[Summary] Celery ✅
[Summary] HTTP Server ✅
[Summary] WS Server 7002 ✅
[Summary] LiteLLM ✅
[Summary] ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
[Summary] ✨ All services started successfully!
[System] Setup complete. Applications are running.

All of the services should have a status of ✅, which means that they have started successfully.


If any of the services have a status of ❌, you can check the logs for the service using the following commands:

On Linux:

journalctl -u <service_name>.service -n 1000 -f

On MacOS:

tail -n 1000 -f /tmp/<service_name>.log

where <service_name> is the name of the service you want to check the logs for.

  1. nodeapp_http is the HTTP server.
  2. nodeapp_ws_7002 is the Web Socket server (logs of other node communication servers use nodeapp_ws_<port>).
  3. celeryworker is the Celery worker.
  4. litellm is the LiteLLM proxy server.

You can also check the logs if you get an unexplained error when running agents and other modules. If there is a bug in the code of the module, it will usually show up in the celeryworker logs. If there is an issue with the input schema, it will usually show up in the nodeapp_http logs.

Stopping your Naptha Node


Resetting the Naptha Node

Removing the node and module environments

If you are having dependency or version issues, you may want to remove the node and module environments by running:

make remove

Cleans up by removing:

  • All __pycache__ directories
  • .venv virtual environment directory
  • node/storage/hub/modules directory

Resetting the databases

If you are having issues related to the databases on launch (e.g. from alembic with postgres), you may want to reset them. Be warned, this will delete all data in the databases. For the hub DB, you can reset it by running:

make remove-hub

For the local DB, you can do a soft reset it by running (this one should be run before running bash

make local-db-reset

If after the soft reset, you are still having issues related to the database on launch, you can run a hard reset using:

make local-db-hard-reset

Restarting the Naptha Node

As an alternative to stopping and re-launching the node, you can use the make restart-node command to perform a complete restart of various node components:

  1. Cleans up by removing (you can do this individually using make remove):

    • All __pycache__ directories
    • .venv virtual environment directory
    • node/storage/hub/modules directory
  2. Cleans the pyproject.toml file

  3. Rebuilds dependencies:

    • Runs poetry lock
    • Runs poetry install
  4. Restarts all services in parallel:

    • Restarts all node servers (HTTP and secondary servers)
    • Restarts the Celery worker

This is useful when you want to do a complete reset and restart of the node, especially after making code changes or if you're experiencing issues.

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